Thursday, March 5, 2009

Resolve Carpet Cleaner: Free after rebate

I have a great TRY ME FREE product offer to share with you (see photo above). While shopping at Martin's today, I noticed that Resolve Deep Clean Powder had a TRY ME FREE tag hanging from each product. I was pleasantly surprised at the size of the bottle--18 ozs. For those of you that are unfamiliar with these type of offers, I'll explain a little further. You purchase the product. Then, you mail the rebate form and cash register receipt to the address listed on the form. The manufacturer will mail you a check for the purchase price of the product. In this case, I paid $6.15 for the carpet powder (it was on sale) and will receive a check for $6.15 in return. So, the product is free when I receive the rebate check.

Be on the lookout for this offer when you're out shopping at your local grocery store. For those of you that are local, I found this offer at the Martin's in Martinsburg, West Virginia. Please
let me know if you have any questions.

1 comment:

EcOnomical Mom said...

I have given you the Kreativ Blogger award. Stop by to pick up the picture!